Become a Member
The Union YMCA has a variety of programs and activities that will meet your needs and help you with making healthy lifestyle changes to meet your personal goals.
General Facility Rules
Membership cards must be scanned to gain access to the building or pool.
There is no food or drinks allowed in the basketball gym.
Children must be 14 years of age to be dropped off at the Y pool unattended once permission form has been signed.
The walking track is reserved for ages 14 and up; children from age 8 to 13 may use the track when accompanied by a parent.
The weight room is for ages 13 and up with a parent upon completion of a Weight Room Orientation. At the age of 16, teenagers do not have to be accompanied by a parent.
Appropriate attire is required.
Lockers are for daily use. Please remove all articles each day. Locks may be used on lockers for safety purposes, at a member's expense but must be removed daily. Lockers may be rented at the front desk for a $15.00 quarterly fee.
Parents are responsible for their children and any damages they may incur.
The YMCA will not be responsible for lost or stolen articles.
Covers must be worn over swimsuits when entering or exiting the main building.
Swimming Attire for Men: Trunks; Speedo bottoms are not allowed.
Swimming Attire for Women: Bathing suits must cover entire top and bottom areas.
Please look under Aquatics for our Pool Rules.
Membership Privileges
Membership includes the use of the aquatic facility, basketball gym, fitness center, and walking track.
Membership Rates
New members and members whose memberships have lapsed more than 30 days, will be assessed joiners fee.
Financial Assistance:
At the YMCA, no one is denied access to our programming due to an inability to pay. If you feel that you may qualify for our financial assistance program please ask for an application at our member service desk or download one here.
Membership Category Definitions:
Family-Parent(s) and children or married couple sharing a household.
Adult– Person 18 years of age or older.
Youth– Ages 4-12
Student/Teen– Ages 13 –25(must provide student ID, if over 18)
Senior– Age 55 and older
Joiner’s Fee:
A joiner’s fee is paid when initially starting a YMCA membership. If a membership is canceled, the joiner’s fee will be waived in the event that the membership is reinstated within 90 days.
Member code of conduct:
The Union County YMCA expects anyone on our premises to refrain from the use of alcohol, illegal substances, profanity, or other behaviors that are considered unacceptable and inappropriate.